Liability Waiver

Liability Waiver

The Pet Salon employs extensive safety and sanitary precautions to ensure your pets safety and health. Despite reasonable and prudent efforts, some pets may experience common side effects of the grooming process, including but not limited to: clipper burn, exposure of the quick, reactions to flea treatments and de-shedding dip treatments, hair splinters, and sharp nails (after clipping). By signing this agreement, you (the client) agree to relieve The Pet Salon, and it's agents from any and all liabilities, and/or costs associated with any veterinary care, symptoms or discomfort of your pet related to or presenting after services rendered by The Pet Salon. The pursuit of any veterinary, behavioral, or rehabilitational services, and the payment there of, is the sole responsibility of the pet owner. Additionally, you agree to relieve The Pet Salon and its agents from any and all liability associated with damages to person, pet, or property by or relating to services rendered or service equipment used by The Pet Salon and it's agents.


- Required for all clients
- This policy is shown on the company page
This policy was created on 27th of March, 2022